Originally Posted by jesse.rizzo
I had wondered about blending WVO with petroleum diesel. Have you tried higher ratios? What range of ambient temps have you had while blending? Thanks.
I have not tried higher ratios. I've been scared off by all of the guys on TDI club . . . I can elaborate if interested.
I feel as though the goal is basically "stretching your diesel out" SVO has a fairly poor Cetane rating, if you are running an older Diesel/ a truck I'd run Half and Half, but the TDI says to run 51 or higher Cetane, about as good of diesel you can find around here is 49 Cetane, so adding low Cetane to already Low Cetane Fuel may pose issues . . .
I've only Run a blend at above 40deg F, if you have seen SVO cold you will be afraid of gelling in your fuel filter.
These Guys
http://www.dieselsecret.com/ are a Quasi-Scam, but they basically tell you how to blend Diesel, Gasoline, Vegetable oil and Snake oil to make a useable fuel. I have their Secret Plans if anybody is interested PM me.
I did a mini-batch of Diesel Secret in the winter, on hot days it looked good, but below 40 I wouldn't have wanted it in my car, I did not have Kerosene, it probably would have made the difference . . .