That's an interesting read, but most of it (for me) just isn't true.
I choose to live outside the suburban sprawl, mainly for lifestyle, partly for cheaper housing.
I accept that that means I have to travel longer distances for work.
I choose jobs, partly, by their proximity to the motorway, partly for the start time to be outside normal rush hours.
I drive 52km each way, about 45 minutes, for a 6:00 start or 14:00 start depending which shift I'm on that week.
I leave at 5:00 or 13:00 so I'm not rushed and can cruise under the speed limit, with minimum stress.
I'm not obese. I'm not divorced (29th anniversary this month).
I'm not paying stupid amounts for car repayments, my car cost about 3 weeks pay, and returns 6.2 l/100km average. Would I like that to be lower still?... You Bet!... but that's why I'm here.
I'm not saying that article isn't true for some people, but not me.