cougar rev2c issues
I made my first commute trip with the cougar today and I had a big issue with whining and squealing (yes both). Having read the thread most people have been delighted to NOT have this issue. The W&S was fairly constant at all speeds,gears,and power levels. It seemed to be o.k. at just the right amount of LOW power in a given gear. If you can see the pix you will appreciate that this is a low-budget homemade affair (adapter plate cut with sawzall).
1996 Saturn SL2 running 84v
cougar rev2c 500a
I used slightly larger mosfets and capacitors.
My M- cable is less than 18" but others may be longer.
My LEM sensor is not glued yet (won't fit in case).
I ran a mixed pack of new and old (learned my lesson today...old are history).
Controller heatsink is not isolated from vehicle chassis and it's 12v battery.
Loved the drive, HATED the racket!! Any guesses? Do I need some type of sheilding?
Thanks guys,