in a related apples to oranges story...
at work we got in a new company for maintenance services, apparently BG was wanting more for their product and no money was being made on the parts side, and the new rep. gave all the techs a bottle of in-the-tank fuel system cleaner. i'm always thinking snake oil when something like this happens. so when we were slow, me and another tech pulled in our vehicles, and ran injector balance tests with gm's active fuel injector tester. on my saturn, all the injectors were within 1% of the avg flow rate, 9 out of 10 times i fill up its with BP fuel because i have a BP card. the other tech had an '02 s-10 w/ a 4.3L, his injectors came out with -6.5% +1% -3.2% -3.3% +5.6% and +5.5%, he fills up where ever fuel is cheapest.
my results, nada... thinkin snake oil still. the other tech though, he swears he's got more power and is getting better mileage. (unfortunately we haven't re ran the balance test yet)
so maybe he goes for placebos... or maybe my good gas keeps me in better mileage all the time.