Thread: civic issue
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:05 AM   #1 (permalink)
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civic issue

Hi! folks... I have a little issue on my hand and wanted to see if any of you guys and gals could steer me in the direction. I have a 1992 civic vx(cali version) . Yesterday I recieved a po7A00 ecu from my brother and when i swap it out with my po7loo ecu it threw the CEL(check engine light), took the car to the shop and they said it was a code 9. If i remember correctly that has to do with your ditributer, odd thing is that when i swap back to my stock ecu(po7loo) the CEL went away. Im not really sure whats wrong with it, and yes my 02sensor is 5wire. Any suggestion? any help would be greatly appreciated........

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