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Old 05-19-2012, 06:40 AM   #7 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Location: 3rd Rock from Sun, UK
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EcoPug - '04 Peugeot 206 3dr GTi HDi 110
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I'm also having a little issue with a recently installed SGII into a Peugeot 206 1.6HDi. Currently moving towards my 3rd tank refill and calibrate, but the cars trip and odo reading are indicating a 80mpg reading while my SGII is reporting 59mpg. ( some hypermilling done to get 80mpg btw ).

The driving is very constant as I only use the car to commute to work ( same route each day ) and refill's have been at the same pump everytime. My gauge however does not show all of the sensors, with many blank. The one I'm am a liitle concerned about is the TPS ( blank ). Many others do show like, RPM, MPH, MPL, LPH, cWT, BST, LOD, cIA, etc.

The gauge is set to metric with only the MPH being imperial. I have tweaked the TPS setting to around 12 which looks about right when comparing driving styles ( coasting in neut, engine braking ).

The comments so far are really making me think 'why did I buy this thing if it has to be corrected so much?' Having to alter engine capacity is not why I brought a so called percision instrument... To only then fudge the calibrated figures later.

Does anyone here run a SGII on a peugeot HDi or similar Turbo D, so that I may contact them to compare findings?


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