Originally Posted by Marc F.
I pulled the clutch fan off of "Tank". It was slightly more FE but the engine rev'ed smoother and quicker. I had to watch my foot that I didnt use the increase in avalible power.
I agree with rmay, crap from the tank may be part of your problem. A good carb rebuild with a proper soaking in cleaner to remove all the build up in the small passages might be required also. A full tuneup and you should be in good shape.
I love those body styles.
Thanks I will be cleaning the tank soon. The car has Fi. It seems like a fuel meetering problem to me. A friend who is a pro mech is going to take a look at it tomorow. I have replaced the cap, rotor, wires, plugs, fuel filter, vac lines. Everything I have done has improved the way the car runs

. I dont want to just throw parts at it, I want to diagnose and fix the problem.