Thought I start this kind of topic as there can be more finds in future...
I found recently bicycle from my warehouse upstairs, it was from some previous settler and has set there more than 10 years for sure.
Bicycle itself is probably from 60's.
It had no wheels, so I put only ones I had:
Paint was bad and there was bit of surface rust too, so I did sand it to bare metal and put several paint layers, first zink, then rost primer and lastly several top coat layers, not all bits are done yet, but I already put bits together, then thought that it looks bit like early racing bikes, so as I had drop bars, put those on, looks quite interesting, front fork is not yet done as I'm not sure if I put it to original shape or if I put some other fork to front and keep it as a early racing bicycle kind of bicycle:
I did remove every part from frame, it has Fauber cranks and stuff, I had never opened such before, but serviced everything, put it back together and seem to be working perfectly, steering bearings had no grease at all, so with greased bearings it seems to be pretty good.
Saddle is leather, with many small springs underneath, it is super comfy, I keep gel cover on top of it to protect it from weather as it is in light car tent where can be some UV rays etc. You really can't buy so comfy saddle from store today, any bump on road is smoothed with that saddle so that it is like sitting on air cushion.
46T at front and 22T at rear, made full service to it meaning everything that was possible to take apart I took apart and put new grease in etc. Lot of things that I had never done before.
Tires are 38-622 28" from my memory, Camel brand, those were OEM in my Renault bicycle, not very well rolling tires I must say, but they have not worn too much from 2006 and no punctures either, good for gravel roads and maybe that might be good use for this bicycle as my Renault bicycle is converted now to tarmac only machine.