I built an airdam today to replace the lawn edging. I bought the poly @my local glass shop
Total cost $30
1 4"x48"x3/16" clear polycarbonate
2 4"x24"x1/8" clear polycarbonate
3 A handful of 3/8" #8 sheetmeatal screws
4 Polycarbonate Paint
1st marked and drilled holes, large enough to fit the threads through.
2nd Positioned the corner where I wanted it and marked and drilled those holes.
3rd Paint. If you paint the back you will have a glossy finish, and be protected from rock chips, if you paint the outside the finish will be dull, paint damage possible.
4th Reinstall, make sure everything lines up. A coat of paint dries in 15 min or so, multiple thin coats are best.
Last edited by Sporty Modder; 05-23-2012 at 06:16 PM..