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Old 05-27-2012, 08:09 PM   #13 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Boise Idaho
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From the inside.

Many customers lie. I cynic would start treating customers as the enemy after a while.

Most mechanic shops lie. I see it a LOT. Customers EXPECT mechanics to lie, so they treat all of us like crap.

Like the old lawyer joke goes - 99 percent of the lawyers and mechanics give the rest a bad reputation.

I'm an honest mechanic. I work on anything. I don't know everything. Sometimes it takes me a couple of times to figure things out.

Some customers don't care what it costs, they want it FIXED. Many of us money is important and precious, and patience is needed.

Time. Quality. Price.

Choose two.

Recommendations: :Stay away from chains and dealers. Dealers are getting BAD here locally. I can normally hard price things at half the dealer or chain price, and feel guilty, and make 75 an hour.

Ask for hard estimates when the repair is straight forward. I can ALWAYS give estimates, hard ones, and when surprises come up, cell phones work great to explain the situation and make a decision.

EXPECT to be offered the used parts taken off the car.

I am a professional. If you treat me like crap, it is a sign I'm not charging enough to be happy to see you.
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