Recently there was a sting operation by some publication looking for unscrupulous mechanics. They took a Ford Taurus and disconnected the air flow sensor which put the car in a failsafe mode with a check engine light illuminated.
They drove into shops all across the country and recorded the responses they got from the various shops where they stopped for help.
Since the problem will absolutely never occur under any normal circumstances, many "Mechanics" spent some time figuring out what was wrong. Of course a code reading would point them in the general direction but the problem was sometines difficult for some to figure out, which could be attributed to the fact they had never seen it before, or becasue they were just not that good at diagnostics.
About 25% of the techs who looked at the car.
Fixed it for free in less than two minutes.
That doesn't pay their bills people.
Show me a doctor that would do that, or any other business on the planet, for a person they have never seen before in their life. Most of those who did it for free knew that the whole situation had been created, and smelled a rat.
Last edited by user removed; 05-28-2012 at 10:35 AM..