Thanks, Daox.
With a Cd of .29
[1], I think it's safe to say the aerodynamics of the Prius C are just so-so. The light weight and efficient engine help make up for it, though.
I would expect modest gains from a grid charger, but it wouldn't require much effort, either. The C has a 144V NiMH pack, same as the Insight, which means I already have a charger for it.
If the 1KWh battery currently swings from 80% to 45%, that's .35KWh, which I reckon at 1mi without hypermiling. If you swing from 100% to 45%, it's about 1.5mi. :-/ Not great, but it's low-hanging fruit.
There's a part of me that sees a Prius C as a cheap platform on which to build a reliable plug-in hybrid NEV. I have a 9mi commute. A 10KWh lithium pack should do 20mi, weighs ~150lbs more than the current pack, and costs maybe $4000.
In order to match the road load of my Insight at 70mph, a Prius C with Insight tires would need a Cd of 0.20. That's not easy. Mod for mod, I don't expect the C to ever match the Insight. However, the Insight can't match the cargo capacity and EV potential of the C.
@Xringer: I proudly void warranties.
Originally Posted by Xringer
I remember something about aerodynamic drag increasing with speed, not being linear.
Something like drag increasing at the square of the speed?
So, yes, drag force is proportional to airspeed squared.