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Old 05-28-2012, 05:31 PM   #6 (permalink)
Ford Man
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Russellville, KY
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I already knew this. When I lived in NC and visited my parents in KY I traveled I-40 from Statesville, NC-Nashville, TN. Some of the sections were concrete and some were asphalt, on the sections of concrete the Scan Gauge would report several miles per gallon better mileage than on the asphalt and new asphalt reported lower MPG readings than older asphalt probably due to the sticky tar on the surface of the new asphalt. One time when I was traveling through the Smokey mountains on I-40 on a newly paved section I noticed the Scan Gauge reporting 10+ MPG lower than normal and on the newly paved section if I tried to coast down the mountains the car would actually lose speed instead of gain.

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