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Old 05-28-2012, 06:15 PM   #5750 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 41
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I have a question for all the knowledgeable people here.

I got my 500v controller from Paul & Sabrina back in February and have just now started to assemble the control board (haven't started the power board yet). I have socketed evey IC on the board, including the two 2 pin IC's, except U1, U10 (both transistor packages) and U2 (Cincon DC-DC Converter). I did not socket L1.

I'm sure Paul uses the best components he can get, I was just wondering if anyone has ever had a problem with it. How reliable is the Cincon DC-DC converter? Has anyone had it fail and had to replace it?

The reason I ask is because I am considering socketing it as well and wanted feedback from the community as to what they though about it. I have a socket that will work. Has anyone else socketed U2?

Thanks for your feedback!

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