I don't like to think of myself as "cheap", but i guess that is indeed what i am by most peoples definition.
I have a very low wage job, so i found an apartment within walking distance from work.
Work, food, and anything else is all within walking or bike riding distance.
When i moved in, i planned ahead for things such as where the sun would be in winter and summer. I live in Texas where we do not have winters, but summers are cooking hot.
By making sure that i faced away from afternoon sun, i save quite a bit of energy usage.
On my porch, i put out pull down shades which allows enough light for the plants, but filters out the heat.
I also chose to live on the third floor which insulates me from the heat above, yet allows me to mooch off the neighbor below me ( heat rises eh ! ) when its cold.
I also made sure the windows were double pane and had a good seal.
When i come home from work my apartment is comfortable - perhaps 78* or so. Once the sun begins to set, the A/C goes into shade and i turn it on for three to five minutes ( or even less ) which cools the apartment to a comfortable 72* .
Of course i use CFL bulbs ( LED bulbs are very costly yet only save a fraction more ( a 40W equivalent LED vs. CFL bulb is only 1 watt difference, yet the LED costs around ten times more.
I open my blinds and find that i only really need to turn on lights in rooms such as my bathroom. Even when closed, the blinds, which are light filtering let in plenty of light.
( I do not live in a dark cave like some might think.)
In the evenings when it is not too humid yet cool, i leave the windows open in one of the rooms. This cools down the apartment several degrees in summer, and i close them before going to work.
I bought a Apple laptop versus a desktop due to the energy rating. ( Overpriced pretty thing this Apple is ! )
If i want to watch a movie i watch it on my laptop. Most times i must admit i am on this site using my cell phone. It uses something like 4watts of power !
If i want to watch a video i use the laptop, yet i actually have no problem watching Netflix on my Cellphone.
My refrigerator has been modified to use only the freezer portion as the refrigerator . If i want ice cream, i have to eat it within a day, but i think the energy saving make up for that. i have had it modified this way for over two years.
( Being a single guy i can do something like this ! :-) )
My biggest energy use is undoubtably my electric stove. Since i have been cooking more, my energy consumption has gone up three fold.
My highest usage to date is when my girlfriend was staying here ( no surprise ) In one week, she ran up my usage four times the previous month ! - over 100 kWh
Hair dryers will do that !
My all time low has been just under 21 kWh without breaking a sweat ( literally )
Now get this : I'm looking at an old bill
Energy usage : 25KWh
" Customer Charge " = $ 6.00
Energy Charge = $ 0.89
Green Choice Charge = $ 1.38
"Trasmission Service Cost Adj " = 0.02
Sales Tax = $ 0.08
Anti Litter Residential = $ 5.00
Solid Waste = $ 5.00
Comprehensive Drainage Fee = $ 7.75
Street Service = $ 7.75
So I used 89 cents worth of electricity, yet have to pay all these other fees .
I wonder if i would have to pay the " Anti litter fee " and such if i just lived using a few solar panels out on the porch and canceled my electric !
I had the apartments leave my water heater closet unlocked and i turned it down to its lowest setting. I have enough hot water for my showers, and since its just me, that just fine.
My gas usage is much like my electricity usage - near none, yet i have to pay the mandatory blah blah blah fee which raises the bill up to $ 15 or so a month.
BTW My apartment is a good sized apartment - larger than some small two bedroom apartments.