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Old 05-30-2012, 03:37 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Thanks for reading my babblin' skyking

They do offer wheelchair conversions;

wheelchair conversion kits & E-Wheelchair - Golden Motor Canada

However, at 400W/24V they obv don't have the preformance of the 48v/1000w ebike conversion - but using one or two of the ebike hubs could be problematic with a wheelchair as the ebike ones are double sided solid axles, an issue that thwarted my initial plans to make my tribrid tadpole a three wheel drive with electric front hubs & ICE rear drive, so I had to settle for 1WD... tho fortunately even the ebike hubs have a (factory disabled) reverse feature, somewhat needful with a trike or wheelchair.

...but you mentioned "a custom trike" as well & that opens up a whole range of additional possibilities, so many that all I can really say is "Do it, it'll be awesome!" lol

There have been a number of folks that after seeing the taddy, have asked me regarding custom electric trikes for those that are normally restricted to wheelchairs, as a trike could be far better suited for road & distance use... and there are some minor complications you are prolly aware of but I'll mention them anyway - the first being the type of disability, if they've no use of their legs a Delta trike (one wheel in front) can be extremely difficult for the individual to mount, as they're typically a converted bicycle or bicycle style & thus you'll need to be able to swing a leg up and over. This can be somewhat alleviated by using a step-through frame or "girl's bike" but it still requires quite a bit of mobility, then there's the fact that deltas are inherently unstable compared to a tadpole configuration.

A Tadpole trike (two wheels in front) can be easier to mount & far more stable, but they are usually (tho not always) a recumbent design & thus very prone & low to the ground, which can also present difficulty for those with limited mobility. The majority of readily available trikes both delta and tadpole are also intended to be primarily HPVs, so their pedal systems are usually intrinsic yet would just be in the way - the tadpoles normally have removable pedal booms, but some manner of foot/leg rest/restraint would have to be considered ofc, as the dreaded "leg suck" is an issue even for those with full mobility. The seemingly misnamed "clipless" pedals are the most common solution for that - but they too require at least some leg & foot functionality...

There's always alternatives & solutions and I don't mean to be discouraging in any way, I really think it's a great idea - there's defo ways around these issues and they're relatively minor anyway, I jus' thought I should bring them up for consideration "just in case" and that it may be best to go with your idea of a "custom" trike built expressly for this purpose

Here's yet another configuration option without any of the aforementioned issues... It's ofc not my vid & please forgive the "music" & truly unfortunate choice of names lol, the machine itself is still pretty freakin' sweet

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