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Old 06-02-2012, 08:46 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Aerodynamics in vehicles

Hey fellas, I'm new on this site, and have always been interested in aerodynamics. I have a lot of question that I'm hoping you can answer for me based on top speed performance for a 2 wheel and 4 wheel vehicle that are the same size and weight.

my main reason for these question is to really figure out what is the more important part of the equation when it comes to top speed , and what factors of drag and force are significant and insignificant.

I know that aero drag is squared and power is cubed during which the vehicle is moving at a faster rate.

but i was told that if you change either one by the same percentage you will get the same result, along with this.

the other question is rolling resistance and how important is it, our two wheels going to have less rolling resistance than four, or the same, seeing as though the same amount of weight would cause 2 wheels to have a heavier load than if it was spread over 4

thank you

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