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Old 06-02-2012, 09:49 PM   #88 (permalink)
MPG Militia HMV-25E80+A
JethroBodine's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Vermont, USA
Posts: 823

FrankenJetta D - '90 Volkswagen Jetta GL
Boat tails and more mods
90 day: 64.35 mpg (US)
Thanks: 191
Thanked 144 Times in 98 Posts
Phil-Thanks. For everything. Inspiration, sharing your knowledge, your experience,... It will truly be an honor to meet you.

Cd- It DID look like brain matter. When it was metallic blue and black mixed in, it got compared to fish or frog skin. Today, two different people asked if I sandwiched a Saab on the back of my Jetta. I really enjoy that it inspires people to think outside the ordinary! Phil would be the one to ask about final CD. I haven't a clue.

ecomodded- I thought about building forms, but I think I'm going to keep hammering through this way and get it smooth and one color for this coming weekend. I am thinking of going over it with fiberglass before the final incarnation.

Sven7-Once I get it smooth, I'll tuft test it, as I said I would. I haven't forgoten.

I keep thinking slippery thoughts while working on this part of things. Hopefully the air won't even notice me when I slip by.

Nose pics( I crack myself up sometimes) will have to wait until tomorrow.

It is always very amusing how our imagination is put to the test when overcoming reality. Redyaris
Boat tail project
How to gently bump start during EOC
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