Aero observation (kayak out the hatchback)
Last night I threw my kayak in my hatchback Aveo to do a little fishing when I got off this morning in a lake at work. The kayak will not completely fit in the car, about 2 feet stick out the back and the hatch is bungeed down and about half way open giving a longer sloping profile. There is a flat 12 mile stretch where I typically get 44-45 mpg on the scangauge. Last night with the kayak tail and the hatch sticking out into the slip stream it read 48-49 with an occational 50. I've got to check this out further. Maybe I have inadvertently created a boattail mod. It would be shame if I had to carry the kayak everyday to improve mpg, the fish dinner would be an added bounus. Oh, and I got 10 nice bluegill and 14" crappie and had a bald eagle buzz me. I must have invaded his fishing hole.