The only problem I see with the Broilmaster is it might not be big enough.
I absolutly considered sliding plates with holes but figured during the summer they might restrict air flow too much when open.
The slider grill blocks would have to be removeable for summer time use.
I may use sliders to fill the gap between the broilmaster and what it doesn't cover.
The other good thing about these shutters is they close up real tight, would be good for winter time when its 0'F here and my truck doesn't even warm up with a 50% grill block.
Originally Posted by ProDarwin
The easy button here would just be to trigger them off the engine fan. When fan comes on, shutters open. Fan goes off, they close.
From what I have seen with the heavy duty stuff you don't really want to have an all or nothing cooling system. You want to ramp the air flow through the cooling system gradually. Such as having shutters that open at 180-190'F and fans that start to kick on at 200'F.
It will have a manual switch bypass and fully manual opener, because thats how I roll.
I am in the process of installing an compressed air system too.