AndrewJ / Anyone with a Honda
the stock cx engine code is the d15b8 , 180CC. This reference may be wrong but we should cross compare. I'm also curious where you tapped for the injector/vss. I'm currently finishing up the circuit and havnt really felt the "urge" to go digging through the wiring harnesses.
I ordered the freeduino from NKC Electronics. It was probably the best shipping speed I have ever encountered from online sales (amazon, newegg, tire rack, etc..). When assembling it last night i noticed C8 is an electrolytic cap and while using the serial port it will be reverse biased (aka the positive end is the wrong way). When its not hooked up to the PC, it will be correctly biased (which it will be in this condition I hope all the time). So is it going to burn the house down and blow acid out the top? I dont know. I'm going to replace it with a ceramic/bipolar capacitor. Might be something you want to look out for.