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Old 06-10-2012, 12:06 PM   #60 (permalink)
pete c
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Originally Posted by ecomodded View Post
I am curious as too how many of the previous posters who disagreed with my post hold up people regularly, daily, year in year out. Each of you a king of the slow speed corner, pathetic driving ABILITY i say.
It comes down to the question, should those slow drivers who everyone HATES be permitted to drive on the road ? they are obviously incompetent nincompoops.
It's not necessarily a case of ability, it is more a case of self-righteous doooshbaggery. Unfortunately it is fairly common.

These people remind me of the "take the lane" militant "vehicular cyclist" crowd. A "vehicular cyclist" BTW, is a cyclist that uses the letter of the law giving him full vehicular rights and duties to an absurd level. Folks like this haven't any problem with large backups of ICE powered vehicles behind them, even when a decent sized shoulder exists. I am a cyclist and even I want to mow these dipsticks down when in my car!
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