Originally Posted by pete c
you are a moron, plain and simple.
Well, you got me. I can't argue with logic like that. You have clearly proved your point.
Seriously, do you have ANY evidence at all, other than "everyone knows"?
"Everyone knows" that a truck, SUV, or full-size car is safer than a midsize car... but that is false.

"Everyone knows" that the safe and responsible thing for a parent to do is to drive them to school - but the chances of them dying in a car crash is literally 2000 times higher than being killed by a random kidnapper or being run over in a cross walk.
A lot of times what "everyone knows" is wrong.
By your reasoning, all drivers should be
obligated to speed by as much as the car behind them wants to go. That's frequently not 3mph over (already illegal), its more like 10-15 over. There are roads where if you aren't going 10 over, traffic will build up behind you.
As for 1mph causing 2% more accidents... if you want to know the details of the study, you could always try reading it.
They don't have to know to the precision of 1mph. If 5mph causes 10% more, 10mph causes 20% more, and 15mph causes 30%, its not really voodoo math to figure out the trendline.
Besides for the data, it also syncs up well with what we should expect from the basic laws of physics:
F(a)=average over time
m=weight of car (in terms of stopping distance) or weight of person (in terms of bodily damage)
D=distance over which change in speed occurs
In other words, very small changes in speed translate to large changes in braking distance (which determines whether you have a crash or a near miss) as well as large changes in impact severity if a crash were to occur.
I suppose you are going to call physics a lie too?
driving a few over may improve flow
Giving my wallet to a mugger would reduce potential conflict and violence too. However, I am not going to go out of my way to appease someone who is doing something they shouldn't be doing in the first place.
Originally Posted by ecomodded
Jacob i agree that speeding is one of the leading causes of accidents, but these bonehead slow pokes are causing them too.
What it comes down to is courtesy, i give it to other drivers, i expect it back, when its not like in the case of the king of the slow speed corner who holds up 61 to 99 cars or what ever calamity he is about to cause i have to say- get the f*** off the road you nitwit.
Sure, I have encountered people driving 20 below
in the fast lane, or people merging onto a 65mph highway at 30mph, or coming to a complete stop to make a right turn when there is nothing to possibly hit, and other extreme examples.
When I am on a one-lane road with no safe places to pass, I will not drive less than 5 below the limit (if safe). What I won't do is drive above the limit, or faster than conditions dictate (for example, driving 5 below at night in heavy rain is too fast. Driving 25 below in snow might be too fast).
I'm just trying to point out that speeding is never ok, and that speed causes much more accidents than slowness. Drive at the limit (when conditions allow) all you want. But if there is more than one lane, let the slow people drive slow.