Originally Posted by Sporty Modder
I found the biggest gain in milage was changing my attitude towards driving. I used to rush everywhere not allowing myself enough time to get were I needed to be. Now I plan ahead and allow 15-20 min extra so that I am not in a rush. I also chalenge myself to drive eco.
Adjustments to "the nut behind the steering wheel" got me to the high 29's during the Summer months. And adjustments to my commuting route to reduce freeway miles (and total miles) got me to the high 31's during the Summer months. My road trip fuel economy is generally less than my commuting average.
I tried pizza pan wheel covers for a couple of months last Summer. They made no noticeable difference in fuel economy. And I had to remove them to check my tire pressure (and clean out the accumulated dirt). And chicks didn't dig 'em.