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Old 06-10-2012, 08:32 PM   #70 (permalink)
pete c
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Originally Posted by JacobAziza View Post
"Everyone knows" that a truck, SUV, or full-size car is safer than a midsize car... but that is false.

"Everyone knows" that the safe and responsible thing for a parent to do is to drive them to school - but the chances of them dying in a car crash is literally 2000 times higher than being killed by a random kidnapper or being run over in a cross walk.
Interesting figures on the car type/fatality figures, but, not the least bit surprising to me.

Small cars do poorly because they lose the momentum battle.

"Everyone" does not know that SUVs are safe. Those of us with brains understand that they are rollover hazards and that SUV pilots tend to think that they can drive fast in slippery conditions because they have a 4x4.

The midsize/large car numbers are a bit interesting. I suspect a possible explanation is that large car drivers tend to be 79 year olds. There is also the fact that the average number of passengers in the large car is probably higher. This also could explain the low numbers for pickup trucks.
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