Not only am I not an expert, since almost everything I know about streamlining (or think I know) comes from my experiences swimming, snorkeling, and generally messing around underwater as kid. Once, I actually took my plastic B57 model down to the lake and 'flew' it underwater. Once I had it balanced, I was amazed at it's L/D underwater, since it had none in the air (well maybe at 70 mph).
Holding a flat object (or even just my hand) outside the car window during road trips, was always very interesting to me. I was a weird kid..
To this day, I still find time to fly flat objects..
This "wing" has no washout and a super bad L/D.. But under power, it flies great.
I looked at some of those ZZ wing applications and it almost seems like the tape is introducing very tiny vortex trails off of each zigzag. Whatever it's doing, it does seem to inhibit the surface flow from separating prematurely.
Cleaner lift with less stalling? I've even never heard of ZZ tape before this week..
So, my idea of using big Zs on the TE of the CRV was to see if they would
hold the layer in place for another foot or so, before it separated.
To simulate a longer car body, to simulate a boat tail without the walls..
I guess making an actual BT is out of the question, since my wife wouldn't want to ride with me anymore..
(But wait, that could be a good thing)!