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Old 06-11-2012, 08:44 PM   #132 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JethroBodine View Post
If anyone finds any links to pics of the FrankenJetta in the wild, I'll start a thread( as suggested by Jeff(nerdboy)).
Click here for a three-letter reaction to the picture of the FrankenJetta on the road with two Smarts

It is probably the hilly sections that killed me because I would struggle up some and have to completely ride the brake (even with engine braking) and not get full advantage of the potential energy as I could have (because I had more potential energy/momentum than the turns/road course would allow, probably due to my loaded car :-D).
The Echo mentioned having similar problems, and I'm sure it's the same for just about everyone who couldn't guarantee they'd make it through the next corner with the momentum they were carrying. I'm curious if the regenerative braking of the Prius was put to full use in the hilly sections.

As for the actual out times, the only comment I have, is that almost every time I received my out time it was for a time that had already passed.
In our normal TSD rallies, you have up to one minute dead time in each control, unless other cars arrive before you on the same minute. What this means is that if you arrive 30 seconds into the minute, you only have 30 seconds to jump out, check in, get back in the car, buckle, zero and leave. We use the same system in the Economy Run for simplicity.

P.S. I can't believe I'm the first one to mention the naked bicyclist protesters. GREAT distraction just before the rally.
You missed the naked protest that took place just up the street from me on Thursday - Wonderboy and I caught that on TV. Somehow it's never boring where I live!
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