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Old 06-11-2012, 10:14 PM   #31 (permalink)
Hydrogen > EV
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Originally Posted by ksa8907 View Post
Yep, only difference is a slightly larger bore. Identical otherwise. What differentiated the 3.2 and 3.5 HO from any other 3.5 is the intake plenum, the HO has 2 tuning valves for more power throughout the power curve. If you've never driven one, its useless to argue the "sportiness".
I don't want to say I don't support it, because not only would I feel rude, but to each view is a different idea. That 458 owner would laugh at me calling my Mustang sporty. BUT, that being said, I think of the R/T model, and the SRT models as sporty. I mean personally, I don't know of any sporty chrysler, besides the Viper and the SRT lines, but the Viper has more problems than horsepower, and for over a decade the SRT models have been bogged down by garbage and cruise ship size.

Again, I feel bad, but I don't mean it offensively to you, nor do I mean it as n insult to your vehicle. Such as the chrysler crossfire, completely failed as a coupe, any performance, quality, and reliability. But the convertible was fantastic, because it was sold as a target for slow cruising with the top down.

So as a chrysler Camry, I see it, but not so much for performance. But my significan other wants me to add this, , and , and now that she is ruining me for writing, I will conclude this


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