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Old 06-12-2012, 12:36 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by basjoos View Post
I think I would notice it if the power company turned off my air conditioner on a hot day for more than an hour or two.
That is a prime example of why people object to these things! not because of reality but because of miss information.
At least around here, the power company offers to knock $5 to $10 per month off your bill if you allow them to put a peek use switch on your high demand devices that you would never notice being cycled off, the amount of time that they every cycle a device off tends to be 10 to 20 minutes per hour or less and only at peek use times that would otherwise lead to brownouts.

And no, I wouldn't mind at all if my electric car stopped charging for 20 minutes or if my A/C was triggered to turn off for a few minutes to prevent a brown out from happening and the switches that they install on devices like this have a light that comes on to signal that that it's activated and explain very clearly on them what is going on and how to tell if the peek use switch is being activated and unless I remember wrong, there is a manual bypass switch.

When enough people object to stuff like this, then we end up building more power plants and because enough people already object to wind power then we end up building more dirty power plants.
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