Originally Posted by cfg83
thebrad -
Yeah, I think you have fuel-cutoff going for you. The best way to confirm would be to splice into the fuel injector pulse wires like they are doing for the MPGuino, but when I see that 9999 (divide by zero => largest number that can be displayed), I think fuel-cutoff too.
Another (indirect) way would be to get an A/F gauge. If you see the gauge go super lean when the SG shows 9999, then it would imply that you have fuel cutoff.
I wonder if you can see your 02 sensor output with an X-Gauge function. It's a 1996 Honda, so it *might* be available to you. Hard to tell. I don't know because I don't have a 1996 Civic.
Willing to try it "for science" if you can give me the XGauge coding.