WOT 2008 VW r32 GTi ExhaustGasTemp
here is scan data using VCDS
the green and faint blue traces are EGT graphed over time, max (upper limit) on the graph is 1000c and min (lower limit) on the graph is 300c
during Wide Open Throttle looking at knock retard per cylinder chasing possible restricted injectors
peak exhaust gas temperatures are upward of 800c at WOT fr0m 30mph to 70mph , that is over 1400f .
Celsius to Fahrenheit converter
bank 1 has more restricted injectors than bank 2 , but EGT on both banks is about the same
does lean condition = greater exhaust gas temperature ?
no it does not

put the myth to sleep
to be fair
the system is in fuel control and only a few cylinders are slightly lean
the cylinders in knock retard
the others are slightly rich - fuel control is per bank - both banks are adding at WOT around 5%
still EGT is pretty consistent bank to bank at all loads
Last edited by mwebb; 06-13-2012 at 01:25 AM..
Reason: blue and green trace are EGT