Originally Posted by Rokeby
Thanks for your thoughts.
This is gonna' come up sooner or later, so we might as well put it behind us now;
I take it that the vertical stabs are more for locating the wing than fore/aft
center of pressure correction/control.
In SAE Paper 700036,by R.P.Marcell and G.F.Romberg (Chrysler Corp.),they say that while the 1.71 sq ft of 2.34 geometric aspect ratio NACA 0012 symmetrical airfoil section vertical stabilizers had a beneficial 'static margin',stabilizing effect to mitigate oversteer at race speeds,they were primarily to position the inverted Clark-Y horizontal stabilizer in the best 'compromise' location for downforce.
They actually wanted to position the wing directly over the rear axle,however the wing aerodynamics required the aft position airflow.
So on both counts you're dead on! The CP vs CG was only a consequence of the rear wing position.