Originally Posted by euromodder
What do you mean by load-avoidance ?
Errr ... all links but the second one (which points to your interesting album) , lead to the same image .
None of the 'conventional' trailers addressed drag reduction other than attempting to hide within the wake of the tow vehicle.
I'd already had reasonable success with the first two trailers by partially streamlining them and I figured Alan's trailer,or the one Volvo had brought could have extended their 'hybrid' generator fuel even further if the trailer itself was properly streamlined.
It would be the aerodynamic equivalent of xerisscaping a home's yard so as to shade it from direct solar gain in the summer,or adding thermal insulation to it's envelope so as to allow the air conditioning system to shed part of it's load,providing the same cooling level with less energy.
In engineering the term to describe this is load avoidance.
As to the images,I apologize.I've been moving so much paper around that I've misplaced my original notes to myself for Photobucket.We managed to get the pictures up,but not like earlier posts where each image appears,with the enlargement bar atop it.
I don't know how to fix it right now.It seems like every time I come back to the computer,some change has been made and I no longer know how to navigate.I simultaneously love and hate computers!