OK thanks, I know which relay it is I was playing with it the other day. I just mis-understood your question.
ok so this is my goal.
going to get a 12V 2pST relay, and a 2P2T rocker switch (on-off-on),
I will be putting the relay on the clutch pedal switch and connecting it to 12V accessories power, so when the clutch is depressed the relay is deactivated (the clutch pedal switch is a normally ON switch <normally closed>).
the 2p2t rocker switch will turn my engine-cut-off circuit On or Off, or Disabled.
when the circuit is DISABLED, the clutch pedal switch resumes normal operation via the one of the poles on the relay (prevents car from starting when in gear), and the Engine Kill circuit is shorted out.
when the circuit is OFF (center position of switch), nothing works (anti-theft device),
when the circuit is ON, the other pole on the relay (relay is activated by the clutch pedal), will cut power to the MAIN RELAY which will kill the engine !.
So driving down the road, I can press the clutch pedal all the way down and it will kill the engine, I can start it by releasing the clutch pedal.
I can drive normally by not pushing the clutch all the way in.
I might have another momentary push button bypass switch also which can allow me to flip the toggle switch from ON to Disabled without killing the engine OR use the clutch pedal without killing the engine. This push button will be on my shifter knob.
EMAIL ME if you would like this circuit diagram, I think I have it mastered.
THought I would share my thoughts