Electric Motor from the top
I made up a lazy man's motor model. It is the bottom of my old central vacuum canister, with an empty container from a rather large bush that I planted last year.
The empty container is about 16 inches in diameter at the top, which is just slightly larger than the motor at 15.5 inches.
The central vacuum canister is about 15 inches in diameter. Stacking the two together, I get about 26 inches of length. That is just above the length of the motor (19.5 inches) plus the motor shaft (5.5 inches).
I taped an ice cream container (6 x 6 x 8) on the side of my 'motor' in the correct place to be the motor junction box. Just a bit larger than the 5.5 x 6 x 7 of the actual junction box.
I put this 'motor' into the top of the motor cavity of the truck and tried to get it out the bottom. The contortions were many and the effort was large. I didn't get the motor through the hole and out the bottom. In fact, the motor does not fit well into the space centered on the motor mounts. The motor junction box is in the way. I'd have to rotate the motor on its side, fabricate a base plate that has a 90 degree plate, like an L bracket, to have the motor fit and align with the motor mounts. I'd like to try this but it may stress my mechanical skills.
Mounting the motor offset from center would require a drive shaft/U joint ... perhaps another bearing ... DEFINITELY above my mechanical skills
But I have established that the electric motor has to go in from the top.
Next up - arrange the drive shaft, transfer case, transmission, and electric motor on my driveway. Take measurements from the truck and make sure that the driveway arrangement is accurate to the truck. Find out how much room there is between the motor and the transfer case. What size and orientation is required for the motor to couple to the transfer case. There may be CAD involved.
Pictures: 40 HP motor from the top, in my garage, with bad lighting
the second one is supposed to show the diameter is 16 inches including the mount
Then there is the rough model, length a bit longer than the motor and shaft
and the diameter on one end is 16 inches
I took a bunch more pictures of the motor junction box, how it hangs on the side of the motor, and how that compares with the ice cream container taped onto the side of the model - but even I'm not that interested. This is some pretty dry information! Even for pictures.
Last edited by thingstodo; 06-24-2012 at 11:01 PM..
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