Hi from Chumly
I've been on the s.c.o.a. site for a while when I came across this one a couple of weeks ago. For some reason I'm not getting most of the pictures but most of the descriptions have been good enough. I have a 2008 smart cabrio that i've been modifying for a while. So far I have a modified intake (c.a.i., changeable to h.a.i. in about 2 min), aftermarket exhaust, lower grill block, iridium plugs,flat wheel disks, Scangage and vortex generators . My mileage has improved drastically from 41-43 to over 54 and that's before adding the wheel disks (I'm still testing). That's not counting pulse and glide. What this car is capable of I'm not sure but someday I'll find out! So far I'm very happy with it but more is always better. This site has some info that really works! Chumly