I am very confused as to why any person would tell some one too break the law out of courtesy. If people need to be somewhere, leave earlier. Plan ahead. Everyone drive the exactly the speed limit and you would see how glorious it would be if we all had such smooth traffic flow. Its the people pushing the speed faster that are the problem. Not us. I don't care if they are the majority. The majority is wrong.
Your argument is based on your driving style,your preference to driving below the posted speed limit(actually its based on federal and state laws). Which is fine but don't hold up other drivers while driving below the speed limit.
Other people have lives, places to go, people to see and only so much time or patience for people out on Sunday cruise,on Wednesday.(leave earlier or on time so this wont be an issues)
Why would one driver thinks he has the "right" to hold up 5-10-20 or more drivers while he "chooses" to drive at his own irritating slow pace.(Because the law says I cant go over the that speed limit sign thingy, which they are. Really thought this was self explanitory)
Thats my whole point, who ever reads this can decide if they do or do not fit into the description of the road menace.(Road menace as the law breaker, or the law abider?)
The pessimist says “The glass is half empty,” the optimist says “The glass is half full,” and the minimalist says “We’ve got about twice as much glass as we need here.”
Last edited by jousai7; 06-21-2012 at 07:24 PM..