Well, we do have different hardware. My converter is the older 3000W converter. I'm unsure how thermal limiting works. What I have noticed is that in cold weather it takes a little while to get the amps to start flowing. I monitor my amps in/out of the HV pack with my SGII. In hot weather I try to keep the car cool and I don't really see thermal throttling back unless it is really hot out. I agree though, the converter's output doesn't seem to follow a strict logic that I have been able to figure out yet. When I reinstall the kit this time, I plan on adding an ammeter to the battery side of the PHEV kit. This way I'll be able to measure the exact amp draw on the PHEV batteries. The SGII only shows amps in/out of the HV pack, so its hard to tell exactly how much power the PHEV is putting out.