Originally Posted by Frank Lee
On adequate following distance: I witnessed (too close for comfort) a 6-vehicle pileup caused by car #2 being off in la-la land (cell phone???) when car #1 signaled then stopped for a left turn. Vehicles 2-5 all "domino'd" into each other when #2 slammed on the brakes at the 11th hour, soley due to inadequate following distances (although more cell phones could have been involved) and the whole column got pushed into #1, who did nothing whatsoever wrong.
Following distance is nearly irrelevant to avoiding a collision when the driver is not watching the vehicle directly in front, let alone further down the road.
My biggest complaint about being behind an SUV or truck is the inability to see through their windshield at the traffic several car lengths down. When I'm behind a vision obstructing vehicle, I increase following distance.