Being retired I have plenty time. If you have the opportunity to turn your time saved into income then time becomes a factor. Most people employed earn a wage for the hours worked. After all of the payroll deductions and expenses you get a fraction of your gross wages. After that what comes out of your pocket is gone forever unless it is paying for an asset. Understanding this means you are paying much more for gas than what you spend, because you have to earn significantly more to have the amount you pay for gas left over after deductions.
I like to keep as much of my money as possible. Getting 45-75 MPG out of my vehicles means money in my pocket.
At $3.50 a gallon 100k miles in a 10 MPG FSP is $35,000.
At 50 MPG it's $7000.
That's $28,000 in my pocket in 100k miles.
Put that in the bank for 5 decades or another better investment. Lets say I bought gold with the gas money I saved for 5 decades at 15k miles a year. Now you are talking about some serious wealth.