From what I understand, they can simply watch the voltage of the pack and know it's time to pull over. If they have 38 cells and they want to stop when the batteries are at 2.75 volts, then they wait till their pack voltage is at 104.5 volts. Since they bottom balanced, they know that all the cells are close to that, and they haven't driven any single cell below the 2.5 volt level. I suspect that many of those people also have some form of SOC meter that watches current use as well. The people that typically are doing this are afraid that a BMS system will screw up and cost them their batteries. There are more opportunities for failure in a BMS system. I think that many BMS "failures" were opperator error. The BMS system has to be set up properly which isn't always staight forward. I choose to use a BMS and take the time to set it up, rather than have to monitor my battereies every few weeks. So far I haven't had an issue with the BMS, but I can tell you it took as much time to wire it up as to wire up the rest of the car.