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Old 07-01-2012, 01:35 AM   #16 (permalink)
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honda cb125 - '74 Honda CB 125 S1
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green wedge - '81 Commuter Vehicles Inc. Commuti-Car

Blue VX - '93 Honda Civic VX
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Yes, business that are to big to start for sure! crash testing for a single vehicle model tends to cost over a million dollars, back in the 1980's the big three auto makers pushed out the competition by pushing for "safer" cars that were a different kind of safe then what everyone else in the world was driving, there for to sell a car in the USA it had to meet USA safety standards! Commuter Vehicles Inc (made my car) were only selling 500 to 1,000 cars per year and were pushed out of the market because they could not afford the cost of the new crash test standards, not that they couldn't pass the tests, at the same time companies like MG, Triumph, Vespa, Renualt and countless other companies stopped selling in the USA, still making vehicles for every other country without the road way death rates in those countries climbing any faster then they do in the USA.
So in short, the auto makers regulated them selves out of competition, it's not hard to take a gasoline vehicles glider and make a working electric car, Ben has done it, my parents bought an electric car from a soccer mom/house wife who built it in her garage! it's a great car, quality work, she'd never done something like that before!, the vehicle is not it's self hard to build, but the rest of the hoops to that you have to bring it to a show room floor, that is the hard part and that is the costly part.

I agree 100% with Ben, go to a show room, get in an electric car and drive it, then, if those are above your price range (most people I know don't buy new cars) look at the EV classified ads in your area and start showing up to look at used electric cars that are for sale! I bought my first electric car for $180, it wasn't pretty, it didn't work and it didn't have batteries in it, but after spending about $200 and two days working on it I had it driving down the road on a used set of batteries, at that point it was a $380 car and it still looked like one, but at a price like that how can you honestly say that electric cars cost to much?
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