My politics lean Libertarian and I'm all for freedom. That said, I'm for smart meters. People should be charged at a higher rate during peak usage and a lower rate for off-peak. A major cost of producing electricity is building the infrastructure to handle the peak usage.
This benefits the consumer by providing an avenue for saving money, and reduces the overall electric bill.
The argument against the meters due to the health effects of the radio transmitter is either a red herring, or based on ignorance. A cell phone held to the head exposes a person to much greater levels of radiation, and that too is perfectly harmless.
I like the idea of an opt-in program for reduced rates. I've got the Progressive Snapshot device plugged into my car to reduce my car insurance rates. This Big Brother device reports my driving habits to the company and I am rewarded by paying less on my insurance premium.
Last edited by redpoint5; 07-02-2012 at 04:14 AM..