Nationally repeatable results on weight =
CAT Scale Search
$10 approximately for first weigh, then $1 for each re-weigh that day. In setting up trailer hitch rigging we may run across the scale several times.
I think the site linked above has instructions on how to use their equipment. PM me with any questions if they don't. It is essentially a matter of having the different axles on each of the three pads.
An "empty" weight (adjusted) is with driver, full fuel, full fresh water and propane plus items always aboard. A "full" weight is with all passengers, gear, supplies, etc.
That is the one where I'd do individual wheel position weights to look for FF-RR or side-side discrepancies to be able to dial in tire pressure: instead of an axle average, use the position with the highest weight (with respect to vehicle manufacturer instructions / pressure range).
Capriracer has instructions on his site about pressure rise measurements to dial things in.
Load versus pressure is the mantra for trucks of any size.