I took a driver's ed course to better learn driving and to lower my insurance back when I was a new driver. It was a joke, the instructor (an older guy) was horribly out-of-touch with the younger generation and spent more time passing on "wisdom" like how to tell if you're being swindled at the used car lot, and how they "put sawdust in the transmission so it won't thump" or "use motor oil to hide scratches on the paint. If you see them running around with feather dusters you know to stay away because that car has bad paint."
Then the supervised driving instructor (the theory-instructor's son) assumed we were all there just to get lower insurance and didn't want to learn anything, and as a result each of us spent 2 hours behind the wheel (one hour per-week) in a car with an overly-touchy brake pedal. The extent of instruction was trying to teach us to do "push-pull" steering instead of "hand-over-hand" (I still steer hand-over-hand), EDIT: and how to adjust our mirrors, and really did not improve my understanding of driving whatsoever. It was a complete waste of time. I wish the U.S. had 20 hour requirements like Piwoslaw says Poland does. I think a lot more drivers in the U.S. would be a lot safer.
Current Car: 2023 Chevy Bolt EV
Retired Car: White Lightning
Retired Car: Betty White