First car MEMORY (not first car): As a wee tot, cruising down a rural road with Pa in his early '60s MG (lil red convertible) with the top down on a sunny summer day. With such a pleasant first memory it's no wonder I became a motorhead.
Other memories from roughly the same time: struggling to stay upright in the passenger seat of a Microbus as it cornered... riding in a '47 Chevy Stylemaster... being recruited to "drive" the Microbus through deep, deep snow it was stuck in while Pa pushed; didn't work so then there was a long, long walk... well, my legs were much shorter then! And being recruited for helping to change a certain hard to reach spark plug on a Mach I Mustang because my hands were small.
Last edited by Frank Lee; 07-03-2012 at 02:35 PM..