Thanks for the replys and comments so far. If I try a Leaf Blower it will be one of the cordless, Li-Ion Battery, models like Ryobi has on sale now. Just a remote switch patched into it to turn it on, no drain on the alternator which I will disable on hills as well. For the intake vent I would just add a hole to the air box for the blower nozzle. The Toyota has one of the old style round cans for the air cleaner with a snout going into the fender well. BTW, it is a 4.2L engine that evolved from an old Chevy tractor design, low compression, good low end torque.
FWIW, I saw a video at one time of car on a Dyno where they used a ordinary leaf blower and some gas, Nitrous?, blown into the air box, nice bump in HP.
I might give the Smog Pump a try first since that is just a re-routing of the hoses and give it a try, more rpm more air, and hope the MAF and O2 sensors compensate, maybe keep in closed loop longer when under load.