I've gathered a lot more data since my last post; we took a trip from Corvallis Oregon to the Florida Keys and back, mostly on I-5, I-10 and I-95. I kept close track of mileage and dumped the data into an Excel spreadsheet for analysis. We averaged slightly above 17 mpg, with a low of 14.1 (in heavy city traffic mostly) and a high of 23.8 (across the plains with a raging tailwind). Since returning I have continued with minor mods including building a front air dam from a plastic front bumper of the right size that I found lying beside the road. I also installed a solar panel and disconnected the coach batteries from the engine alternator. This seems to have helped mpg considerably, though I don't have enough data yet to have high confidence. The best investment I've made to increase mileage, though, is the MPGuino. I will be building air dams for the top-mounted stuff (vents, solar panel etc). More later...

"Life is like a 10-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use."
-- Linus