I placed a 40 watt solar panel inside the back of my VX to maintain the battery at a good level.
Then I placed a 120mm power supply fan over the existing flapper vent in the back.
The fan can be setup to run 100% off the solar panel or thru the car battery assisted by the solar panel.
I set it up manually right now to run off the solar panel so if there is enough power the fan starts up on its own.
So far it seems pretty effective at maintaining a cooler car.
The solar panel seemed to have given me a large boost in tank 108, my personal best tank of 65.43 mpg, but tank 109 dropped again so it was only marginally better.
I still want to add an alt kill switch, however my VX is built for Canada so there is no ELD which seems to be required if I am to follow the examples from others.
Canada requires DRL's so that would eliminate the low power demands that the ELD would govern.
I unplugged the alt multi wire plug but didn't notice a change in volts at the battery, then I removed the alt belt and drove for about 45 mins before the battery voltage was way down.
I would eventually like to have a system like brucepick's but I need to figure my alt out first.
2000 Insight MT 106K Citrus A/C