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Old 07-08-2012, 06:55 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by t vago View Post
I'm guesstimating 30 W based on that fact that if Ryland's parents disconnected their smart meter because the meter was causing them to consume more energy than before, it must have been much more than a single watt.
No, their meter has nothing to do with how much energy they use, it had to do with running grow lights for garden starts and a heating pad to keep seedlings happy, I just checked and my new smart meter uses the same 3 watts as my old mechanical meter used all the time.

They turn off the grid power for weeks at a time because they tend to produce most of their own electricity.

When my power company switched to smart meters my rates dropped, the pay back on smart meters should be pretty quick while building a new power plant takes 25 to 50 years to pay for while smart meters should pay for them selves in less then a year and keep saving money and energy after that.
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